Monday, May 14, 2007

Dealing with Improvised Explosive Devices

IEDs have been the scourge of the Iraq war, and the main cause of American "disenchantment" with it. Can anyone tell me why President Bush or any of his subordinates did not call Bill Gates, and the heads of all the other American high-tech companies to the White House to call for an all-out crash program to defeat the cell-phone triggering system that makes IEDs so effective? Is there no way to "ring" all cell phones in Iraq at intermittent intervals on a daily or hourly basis? An alternative might be to prevent all cell phones from working at all for a period of time, similar to the curfews against motorized traffic that have met with some success. I can't believe the best minds in Silicon Valley couldn't come up with a way to do this if they were told how important it is. During WWII the entire nation was mobilized to defeat the enemy. If the "War on Terror" is really as serious as it was portrayed after 911, our precious men and women in uniform ought not be bearing the entire burden.

Love God, Love your neighbor

In the days ahead I plan to discuss societal issues from abortion to the war in Iraq that to my knowledge have not gotten traction in the media elsewhere. To begin with, I wanted to set out my foundational premise which is based on the words of my Lord Jesus Christ who said, in Matthew 22:37-40 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." and also, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." (Geneva Bible)